
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Small is Beautiful

A couple months ago, Jenelle Schmidt totally made my day. She was joining in a "Small is Beautiful" blogging thingamajig highlighting the smaller, but still wonderful, blogs out there--and she included Adventure Awaits. Her words brought a big smile to my face. Blogging can be difficult, and attracting readers can be even harder, so to hear authentic encouragement from a follower is so motivating.

And so today I wish to spread that encouragement around by giving a big ol' shout-out to some small blogs that I love! You might discover a new corner of the internet, and it might just be such a fun place you'll want to stay.

  1. Feature 3-5 blogs with fewer than 100 followers.
  2. Write 1-3 paragraphs about each blog, including information like what the blog is about, a brief bio of the blogger, and/or why you recommend their blog. Don’t forget a link to their blog!
  3. Include an image for each blog, whether it’s a blog button, profile photo, header, or simply a screenshot of the blog.
  4. Thank the blogger who featured you, and include a link to their blog. If you like, you can even include them as one of the blogs that you feature (especially if they joined the tag without having been featured by someone else).
  5. Include the tag image somewhere in your post.
Optional: For extra visibility, share a link to your post on Twitter with #SmallBlogsTag. Don’t forget to follow the hashtag and retweet others’ links!

Jenelle, I'd love to feature you if you had less than 100 followers, but you've surpassed that number (so good for you!).

Okay, I may be biased, since Lost is my littlest sister, but she has a fun blog. She writes about Animal Jam (an online game she plays) and occasionally the books she reads and stuff she does. She shares her artwork, which is detailed and completely adorable, and is also posting chapters of a story she's writing. Her blog is as quirky and fun as she is!

As a busy university student, Sarah doesn't post super often, but when she does, they're usually entertaining posts about writing or reading, or sometimes life-y things. One of her book ideas--which I've heard about personally--is a superhero flip book. As in, half the book is from the hero's perspective, and then you flip it over, and the other half is from the sidekick's. How cool is that?

Skye writes honestly about writing, the difficulties of life, and miscellaneous other things like books, movies/TV shows, art, inspirational things, etc. Her photo shoots are AH-MAY-ZING. Serious photography skills here. She ropes her siblings and friends into dressing up and posing in the beautiful BC woods where she lives. This one is a recent fave of mine.

Mary is just a ray of sunshine wherever she goes, so it's no surprise her blog is like an instant shot of caffeinated happiness. She writes about her stories, reading, occasionally life, and yes, more books. Her book photo shoots are so cute and colorful! She has a love of Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Pride and Prejudice. Her posts and comment replies never fail to make me smile!

This friend of mine just recently started blogging! She writes dramatically about--you guessed it--books and writing, including her own journey and some of the clichés that drive her batty. I've had the opportunity to help edit some of her work in the past, and it's neat to see how she's growing.

If you're looking for thoughtful reflections on life, history, and stories, look no further! Blue's ponderings (which she posts every few weeks or so) make me think. They're short and sweet, and often point out the little things in life we can be grateful for, even something as simple as the scenery we pass every day.

A relatively new friend of mine also recently started her blog, where she posts her ramblings about anything and everything--her life as a farm girl turned student, things she's learning, places she wants to travel, and little stories she writes based on holidays/events (such Remembrance Day or Daylight Savings).

Tori's blog has become one of my favorite writing blogs--the advice she shares is always comprehensive and well-thought out. She frequently uses specific books or movies as examples of writing lessons, and has a "So Your Character Is . . ." series. She also reviews novels, and interviews her characters, and talks about the books she's writing. I can't wait till her books are published!

These are just some of the blogs I enjoy!

I sense a bookish theme going on . . . Anyway, go on and check them out! Show them some love! (I do have to mention there were many blogs that were around the 100-200 followers mark that I wanted to mention, but couldn't.) What are some of the smaller blogs you love?


  1. Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, Tracey, for adding my blog to this post! <3 That's so sweet of you! ;)

    1. You're welcome, darling! It deserves a spot on the list! <333

  2. As I was reading this I totally did not expect my blog to be on this list! Thank you Tracey, it really means a lot :D

    1. Gotcha! XD You have a fun blog going, so it's my pleasure to direct some attention your way. ;)


    I had a good chuckle from this description: "an instant shot of caffeinated happiness." Awww, that is so sweet and hilarious. XD I love the way you describe things! (Also, I am very hyper online soooo...the caffeinated part certainly fits. ;D)

    I'm a little freer to comment now that I've gotten three good nights of sleep under my belt. NaNo is wiping me out so it was probably good for my sanity to take a little time to recharge. ;) Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with all your lovely posts!

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, TRACEY!!! I will definitely have to steal this at some point and feature favorite blogs of my own. This post made me smile so wide--I love you loads, girl. <333 *huggles*

    1. I DID! *hugs back* More people need to read mah Mary's blog!

      It's so true, though--your blog is so happy and energetic! (I tend to be more exuberant online than I am in real life too, so...yes. ;D)

      Glad you're at least taking some time to sleep. Once NaNo is over, take a nice looooong break to rest up and fill up that creative tank, okay?

      Yes, I'd love to read about some of your favorites too! LOVE YOU BACK, WALMART. <3 *more huggles*

  4. Ooh! I know and enjoy some of these blogs (spot on descriptions), and I'm looking forward to reading more from these new ones! I'm always looking for new things to read.
    Its good seeing the little blogs getting some well deserved love.

    Thanks for the mention, I appreciate it!

    1. You do? Wonderful! (And thank you.) I hope you enjoy the new ones you're discovering. ^_^

      My pleasure! Your blog is such a darling place!

  5. This is the most precious thing!

    ALLLL the yes to Skye's blog, Mary's, and Tori's. Definitely some of my favorite blogs and BLOGGERS ever!!! I LOVE THEM. <3

    I don't think I follow these others but I obviously need to check them out! I've been bad about not following new blogs and I've actually lately been trying to fix that because I want to follow ALL THE PEOPLES (I just sometimes don't have the time...heh).

    Thanks for sharing with us. With the vastness of the internet, it's always great to have posts like these to help us find all the little treasures hidden within.

    1. YES, those three gals are amazing! Entertaining, informative, always responsive to commenters...some of my favoritest blogging qualities right there. (I would've featured you too if you had less followers, btw!)

      Oh goodness, I feel I barely have time for my current list of blogs, never mind finding new ones--so I hear ya! But I hope you enjoy peeking into some of these lesser known corners of the interwebs. :)

      Thanks, Christine!

  6. Awesome post! (I don't know what else to say... :P )

  7. This is so cute! I don't follow many of these (only Tori, Skye and Blue) but I'll have to check the rest out! (Also. Skye's photo shoots. Did you see the Alice in Wonderland one? INSANE. (Which wasn't meant to a pun, but there you go!))

    (Also, you were in my dream last night, which I know is a weird thing to say/hear but I always like to know XD You had a younger sister called Jess, the three of us were hanging out, it was cute. It must be because I was reading TPQ right before bed. Donna Tartt was also in the dream, though she had a different name -- she said DT was her pseudonym -- and was abt thirty years younger than she is in real life and looked totally different. So, clearly, wasn't actually Donna Tartt. And yet she was in the dream ... because that's dream logic. Love it.)

    1. Their blogs are great; I'm glad you're enjoying them. ^-^ (YES, THAT ONE WAS INCREDIBLE. O.O Haha, insane is right! I love puns.)

      You had a dream about me?? What happened in it? That's so funny! Neither of my sisters are named Jess, but I actually have a classmate named that, and we're both in youth ministry together. XD And Donna Tartt was in the dream too, eh? One of your favorites. I'm honored to be placed alongside her by your dreaming brain. XD Dream logic is crazy. You know what or who is there, but they look nothing like they should! And when you wake up you're like, "????" Makes for fun stories. (And I'm excited every time you mention reading TPQ!)

  8. Aw thank you so much for mentioning me. Your words are so sweet. ^ ^ I'm honored to be one of your favorites. Your blog is one of my favorites as well. ^ ^

    1. My pleasure! I'm happy to spread the word. Awww, that's awesome--thank you! <3

  9. That was the sweetest thing ever! Thanks for the feature!

    1. Aww! *hugs* I was more than happy to mention your darling blog!
